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Garment Dressing

Garment Dressing



Over the years of use, areas that appear lighter in colour on the original wax fabric indicate where re-waxing may be required and this can be done easily with Driza-Bone garment dressing. The wax reproofer is intended for use only on original wax fabrics

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  • How To Apply

    1. Ensure garment is free of surplus dirt.
    2. Heat can over hot element (avoiding naked flame) or stand in hot water until contents become soft. WARNING: Do not heat in microwave oven
    3. Apply directly from can using a suitable paint brush or cloth
    4. Use sparingly and work well into fabric, hand in sunlight or warm area to allow dressing to penetrate
    5. Should you wish to achieve as near as ex-factory finish use a hair dryer, blowing evenly over fabric surface and hang garment over night in a warm dry place.

  • Delivery

    Estimated delivery within 3-5 working days

    Working days are Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays within South Africa.



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